I like to keep my wish list simple. So when I heard about the Want Need Wear Read gift list for children – I thought it was so smart! It helps them pick gifts that are not just the hottest toys that they see on TV. This simple Christmas wish list template is meant to keep us from overdoing it with lil ones and limit it to 4 presents. Each present has a purpose too!
So it’s a smart way to get more than one present for your favorite person but keep it to stuff they’ll really love.
- What is something they WANT – this could be a toy, a bike, or a game.
- Something they NEED – this could be new shoes or hat.
- What is something to WEAR – this could be clothing, pajamas, or sports jersey.
- Something to READ – this could be a comic book, latest book in a series they love, or magazine subscription.

It’s such a simple way to get ideas on what you should get them too! So I have a Christmas Wish List Template you can print out and have them fill out.

Numbered Christmas Wish List
I have also created a simple Numbered Christmas Wish List for your older children to enjoy. Print out this Numbered Christmas List, have your child filled it out, and enjoy watching the memories they are making.

What will be on your children’s list this year?
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