YES you read that right; in the microwave! Well not everything is made in the microwave, of course the pasta isn’t made in the microwave because that would just be plain wrong on so many levels. So how would you make Mac and Cheese in the microwave?
I love Mac and Cheese; it’s one of my comfort foods actually. I love it but hate making it, having to do the rue and the constant stirring… it’s quite a pain in the butt to make. So how can I make this dish but not lose the creaminess that we all know and love.
Easy Creamy Mac and Cheese in the Microwave
- ½ pound cheddar cheese, cubed
- ½ pound mozzarella cheese, cubed
- ½ cup parmesan cheese
- 1 cup milk
- 2 tablespoons butter
- ½ tablespoon of granulated garlic
- Palm full dried parsley
- Salt and Pepper, to taste
- 1 pound elbow macaroni
Boil water and cook your pasta according to the box direction. While pasta is cooking; chop the cheese into cubed. I like to buy the ½ pound bars of cheese since they are usually cheaper. After the cheese is all chopped up put them in a microwavable bowl. Add the milk, butter, Parmesan cheese, garlic and parsley. Once pasta is cooked and drained add the pasta into the bowl. Place in microwave for 3-4 minutes stirring every 30-45 seconds until cheese is melted. Let sit for about 5 minutes and stir before serving.
oh are you ever clever! What a great idea!