Jaiva is a Mexican-American take on ceviche made from imitation crab meat (jaiva). Delightful, simple and great for parties or potlucks, serve on tostadas or with chips. Substitute the crab meat for any other seafood if wanted shrimp, fish, etc. I’m sure you can even do this with tofu.
This is another recipe that I never known existed until I met my husband, in fact when I saw my mother-n-law make it the first time I wouldn’t go anywhere near it. I had a different food palate when I was 16 then I do now at almost 26. I wouldn’t try it the first few times that she or my husband made it, then I did and I was in love!
What you need:
2 lb Imitation Crabmeat
2 cups Lemon Juice Raw
2 cups Onions
4 Medium Tomato
1 cup Cilantro, Fresh
3 whole Jalapeno Pepper (raw)
2 cups Cucumber
1 cup Avocado
What to do:
1. Chop all ingredients and juice the Lemons. chop the cucumber a little bigger than other the ingredients.
2. If you like it spicier, then add more jalapenos or not as spicy don’t add as many.
3. Set the lemon juice and chopped avocado to the side.
4. Mix all other ingredients in a large bowl.
5. Salt and pepper to taste.
6. Pour lemon juice over ceviche mix.
7. Let stand in fridge for at least an hour or overnight for better flavor.
Serve over tostadas top with avocado and hot sauce like Tapatio or eat with chips.
This recipe you can play with by adding as much or not as much as wanted. Play with it and see what you like.
If you decide to substitute Jaiva with any other raw seafood, let the seafood marinate alone in the lemon juice for at least an hour or two in the fridge to let the seafood to cook in the lemon juice thoroughly before adding it with all the other ingredients.
Jacqui says
its amazing! I love it, when my hubs first intorducted it to me i hated it but i love it now! =D are you still looking for a designer?
Denise Santos says
Yes my family loves this dish especially on hott days. If the meat is too try add clamato juice to it. Adds a lovely taste. Also we eat this with tostadas and a little bit of sour cream.