I get asked on a regular basis “where do I start to lose weight?” If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that question, I could retire yesterday.

The thing is everyone has a unique body type and a unique set of goals so the plan for losing weight should be different for everyone. Anyone who tells this “this plan works for everyone” is lying.
There are some key things you can do though that work for every single person to ensure success.
Where To Start Your Weight Loss Journey
1. The first thing you need to do is change your mindset.
All too often people feel down about their weight and in a fed up moment decide to lose weight. Typically, old habits die hard and you fall off the wagon leaving you stuck where you are.
No one wants that.
Instead, you need to spend some time working on your mindset. Ask yourself why you want to lose weight, what it would mean for you and your family, how would losing weight improve your life, etc.
The trick for a successful weight loss journey is making a commitment to yourself and the process. You didn’t put the weight you want to lose on overnight so you have to be committed to a longer process.
When things get hard, and they will be hard, you have to still have the motivation to continue and that comes from having a healthy mindset in the beginning.
2. Start easy
Another big problem most people have is they dive into a weight loss program and go too hard too fast. If you’re not an Olympian, stop training like one.
This go-getter attitude is great when you channel it in a healthy way. The problem is when that go-getter attitude leads to injury and burnout. It’s hard to sustain a new lifestyle when you jump in feet first, full steam ahead.
3. Create a new lifestyle
Your habits and lifestyle now are part of the reason you want to lose weight. Start making an actionable plan to drop the weight.
It takes 21 days to form a new habit so don’t attempt to change your lifestyle tomorrow. Pick some small habits you can change and spend the next three weeks being conscious about those changes.
4. Get help
It’s hard to change your habits and lose weight even when you’re looking to drop 5 pounds. There’s no shame in asking for support. In fact, it’s better to get some support. You’re more likely to succeed when you have someone in your corner. Support can look like a community or coach rallying behind you and encouraging you or it can be adding supplements to support your new habits.
I personally recommend the tools at Herbalife. I used them on my own weight loss journey and boy did they make a difference in my world, I went from a size 18 to size 6 in just 4 months after shedding 45 pounds!

While there is no one size fits all when it comes to your weight loss journey, you can take some universal action steps today to change your life forever.